
Museveni heads to Karamoja for PDM assessment

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Museveni heads to Karamoja for PDM assessment
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni with Nawutono Florence a PDM beneficially and her Husband Loda Benedict at the Farm home this was during the zonal Tour of PDM in Bukedi Sub- Region in Bukoda cell village, Kasasira II Parish, Kasasira Town council Sub- County, Kibuku County, Kibuku district on the 8th November 2024. Photo by PPU/Tony Rujuta.

President Museveni is set to embark on a performance assessment tour for the Parish Development Model in Karamoja sub-region.

According to State House, the president will be in Karamoja between December 3 and 5 in  in continuation of his Parish Development Model (PDM)

performance assessment tour.

"During the tour, the president will visit some beneficiaries, meet stakeholders including various categories of leaders and technical staff, and address a public rally in Kotido District," State House said in a statement.

President Museveni has previously assessed the progress of the Parish Development Model program in Teso sub-region where he said he was impressed by the implementation.

During his Parish Development Model tours, Museveni has emphasised wealth creation through the four acre model where one acre is used for growing coffee or high value crops, then another for food for home consumption, another for rearing animals like cattle or chicken but also another for growing grass for the animals but also rearing of fish for sale.



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