
Museveni heads to Sebei for PDM assessment

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Museveni heads to Sebei for PDM assessment
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President Museveni will in the next days hit the road running as he assesses the progress of the Parish Development Model program in ย the Sebei sub-region, State House has said.

According to State House, Museveniย  will be in Sebei Sub-Region from December 10 to 12, 2024, in continuation of his Parish Development Model (PDM) performance assessment tour.

โ€œDuring the tour, H.E the president will visit some beneficiaries, meet stakeholders including various categories of leaders and technical staff, and address a public rally in Kween district.โ€

The president has previously visited Teso, Bukedi and Karamoja sub-regions as part of the Parish Development Program assessment.

During his tours, Museveni has emphasized the four-acre model and wealth creation to ensure Ugandans move from subsistence to commercial production.

This is aimed at ensuring they join the money economy.

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