Masaka commercial officer arrested over embezzlement

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Masaka commercial officer arrested over embezzlement
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Masaka City Commercial Officer Joseph Mugerwa has been arrested over allegations of embezzling development funds intended for the local community.

Mugerwa's arrest follows a tip-off from Resident City Commissioner (RCC) Hudu Hussein, who acted on complaints from various individuals about Mugerwa’s alleged misconduct.

The investigation, spearheaded by Town Clerk Godfrey Bamanyisa, uncovered that Mugerwa had been soliciting bribes from individuals seeking to benefit from government programs, including the Youth Livelihood Fund, Parish Development Model and Emyooga.

Hussein accused Mugerwa of exploiting his position to amass personal wealth through corrupt practices.

"We will not tolerate corruption in our government offices. Those who engage in such practices will face the full force of the law," he said.

The arrest is the culmination of a six-month investigation into Mugerwa's activities. RCC Hussein praised the police for their professionalism in handling the case and urged the public to remain vigilant and report any corruption incidents.

"We urge the public to report any incidents of corruption to the authorities. Together, we can build a corruption-free society," Hussein emphasized.

Mugerwa has so far declined to comment on the allegations. However, RCC Hussein stressed the importance of accountability among public officials.

"This arrest sends a strong message to all public officials that corruption will not be tolerated, he added.

Hussein said they would continue monitoring and investigating any allegations of corruption.

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