Navigating POMA in Uganda

Navigating POMA in Uganda
Climate activists protest against fossil fuel

The Public Order Management Act (POMA) casts a long shadow over Ugandan activism. Recent approval of a controversial oil pipeline sparked outrage, but POMA's strict regulations – requiring prior notification and police approval for gatherings – threatened to silence dissent.

Environmental groups, however, refused to be cowed. Embracing creative protest methods, they launched a social media campaign. #GreenForUganda flooded platforms, individuals donning emerald green – the symbolic colour of the threatened rainforests. This online movement bypassed POMA's restrictions, raising awareness and sparking national conversations.

The fight didn't stop there. Activists, under the guise of "educational workshops" on environmental protection, organized small, strategically-held outdoor gatherings. This clever strategy skirted the edges of POMA's definition of a public assembly, forcing authorities to tread carefully.

Furthermore, legal challenges emerged. Collaborating with lawyers, activists aimed to chip away at POMA, specifically targeting clauses that infringed on the right to peaceful assembly. These efforts put pressure on the government, highlighting the potential for legal roadblocks to the pipeline project.

The story of the Green Rebellion is ongoing. POMA remains a hurdle, but these innovative tactics have proven its limitations can be challenged. The green movement in Uganda demonstrates the power of resilience and the enduring human spirit that fights for a voice, even in the face of restrictive legislation.

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