Broadcasters turn the heat on NUP

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Broadcasters turn the heat on NUP
Kyagulanyi's bodyguards threaten Ms Zainab Ssengendo during the Lwengo event.

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) has condemned the attack on journalists by bodyguards of Robert Kyagulanyi, popularly known as Bobi Wine, in Lwengo.

The incident took place while Mr Kyagulanyi, the National Unity Platform president, was attending the burial of the late Pascal Ssekasamba at Manga Village in Kiseka Subcounty in Lwengo District.

Next Media's Zainab Namusaazi Ssengendo was among those physically confronted in the ugly incident that left some journalists with minor injuries, and there was significant damage to the equipment, including cameras and other recording devices.

In a statement on Wednesday, NAB said such acts of violence against journalists and media practitioners are barbaric and should never be tolerated.

“Such actions are not only reprehensible but also a direct violation of the rights granted to the media and the press under the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda," NAB said.

"Journalists play a crucial role as the fourth estate in upholding democracy, and any hindrance to their work is a threat to the foundational principles of a free society."

The broadcasters asked opposition National Unity Platform party to address the said allegations promptly and with the seriousness they deserve.

“It is imperative that any reported complaints be investigated thoroughly and remedial actions be taken accordingly.”

Greater Masaka Journalists Association earlier this week gave an ultimatum to the NUP leadership to compensate the victims of the assault and foot medical bills for those injured.

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